Det finns en sång som säger allt, som värmer när det blåser kallt

So today I went to my first Rotary meeting. A lot of older men and also some women were there, all in all about 40 people or something like that. I guess it was okay, I was kind of tired and was glad that I missed my fifth period (Sorry Mr. Coffman hehe). I ate lunch at the meeting and than, all of a sudden, they wanted me to make a short speech and tell them who I am and so on. I tried to calm myself down and I didn't panic that much which surprises me, maybe it was because I was so tired. Anyway, the improvised speech went well. At least that's what Lenor told me afterwards, because I can barely even remember what I was talking about. That's what always happens when I'm nervous and have to talk in front of a lot of people; My brain just turns off and the only thing of me that is really present is my mouth. Oh well. That was the thrilling adventure for today! At practice tonight we played "soccer golf" because there were so many people that were gone. By the way, did I ever tell you that my team mostly consists of Mexicans?? It's awesome! I love them! They are all kind of crazy and they run around, screaming at each other in Spanish. Unfortunately, soccer season will be over soon and we'll have our last game next week I think. I'm really gonna miss my team but I will see them in school, of course. And because of that soccer will be over, I'm going to do the try outs for the cheerleading team and the dance team! Aweeeesome!:)
It's 10 o'clock and I have to some homework, because if I don't I have the feeling my English teacher will kill me. Or something like that. Hehe. So, good night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite ya! ;)
Guess what? We remembered taking pictures today! So here you go sweeties:
Me, Lauran and John (which is Laurans new boyfriend haha) and of course, a Milky Way from Dutch Bros! I'm addicted to that coffee... I'm thinking about stealing one of the Dutch Bros shops and bring it with me to Sweden. :)
Me and my love!

Postat av: magdalena

jag har aldrig hört talas om rotary förr, så kanske kollar lite på dom med. haha jag måste medge att jag är lite konstig som verkligen måste läsa din blogg varenda dag, men den är superbra och jag får ju en massa bra information också om hur de är att leva där borta. du får ha de så bra, hoppas att allt är bra med dig :)

2009-10-23 @ 08:58:05
Postat av: mannnagryn




American dream. Du måste få en lista av mina drömmar du ska leva ut.

2009-10-25 @ 11:49:49

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