I gotta feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night

Heeey everyone! Okay, so this will be the first post that I'll write in english. Don't complain about my spelling errors, I'm still a (as my friend Lauran calls me because of some of my nice swenglish sentences) Silly Swede. Alright, there's not been a lot of updating here for a while. School is going pretty good, I've got some A:s in some of my classes but also a couple of C:s I'm afraid hah. Every day we're going to some kind of fast food place (McDonalds, Burger King, Mexican, Thai, you name it) for lunch and this is not good at all because I love all kinds of fast food (almost). One of my favorite new fast food places, which actually is more of a drink place, is called Island Juice. They have the most delicious juice drinks. 
I will probably look like a meatball when I get home. A Swedish meatball, of course, lol. Oh yeah, that's right. I'm using lol in every other sentence. That's really funny lol. THERE YOU HAVE IT AGAIN. My little brother (Olof) would really fit in here. He's also misusing the word lol a lot.  
I was thinking of put out some of the music that we are listening to here in America right now, because I don't know if they're playing the same on the radio in Sweden! So here we go:
So this is Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne with Down. One of my favorites because it makes me so happy! ;D It's pretty popular here.
This is I gotta feeling with the Black eyed peas. This one is probably one of the most played songs here right now, hah. I like iiiit!
This is Miley Cyrus with Party in the USA. People either love it or hate it! I like it because there really is a party in the USA! ;)
So this is one song that is being played pretty much during our lunch breaks in the car hah. It's Jeremih with Imma star. It's not really what I'm listening to in ordinary cases but I think it's okay! (One other song with Jeremih that is pretty popular is called birthday sex. Hahahahahahaha.)
Well, don't think that I've completely changed my taste in music! This is still what I'm mostly listening to:
The All-American Rejects - Gives you hell
Green Day - St. Jimmy

Postat av: magdalena

åh, äntligen en uppdatering :) tur att min engelska är bra just vid tillfället, annars hade jag nog inte fattat så mycket. haha. mera uppdateringa nu, kram :)

2009-10-09 @ 17:23:52
URL: http://maagdaleenaa.bogg.se
Postat av: Zigge

Great post lol! ;P

haha, fortsätt skriva som du gör, (tänkte på mängden) för då orkar jag läsa (A) ;D

2009-10-11 @ 20:06:57
Postat av: Fredrika

Var det på Corvallis stadion ni såg Beavs?? :D Jag ramlade över bilder via Facebook och tyckte mig känna igen det!

2009-10-15 @ 23:38:19
URL: http://freddisliv.blogg.se/

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